Kunstig intelligens og GPT-3.
Selve begrepet kunstig intelligens ble skapt i 1956 under en seks uker lang konferanse ved Dartmouth College kalt Summer Research Project on Artificial Intelligence. Konferansen samlet forskere innen automasjonsteori (kybernetikk, et fagfelt som sto veldig sterkt i USA i 1940- og 1950-årene), hjernens nevrale nettverk og studier av intelligens. Mange av de som skulle forme fagfeltet de neste tiårene var til stede.
Begrepet kunstig intelligensble altså etablert for over 60 år siden. Likevel er det først de siste ti åra at utviklingen innen fagfeltet har skutt fart og fått praktiske anvendelser. Noen av disse, og litt bakgrunn finner du i denne videoen:
GPT-3 som utvikles av Open AI kan du teste hvis du vil. Det har jeg gjort ved hjelp av appen “Philosopher AI. Noen resultater er imponerende, andre er vel ikke akkurat innertier. Her har du to eksempler.
I’m really keen on skiing.
Philoosopher AI fikk teksten: I’m really keen on skiing
At jeg liker ski får jeg ikke akkurat positiv respons på av GPT-3, men teksten kunne absolutt vært et Facebook-innlegg. Hadde jeg matet inn de samme ordene en gang til kunne teksten ha blitt helt annerledes:
I am afraid that I have to disappoint you, since it seems that skiing is not all too good for you. Whether or not what I say will be of any value to you is up for debate. It may very well sound a bit rude and uncalled for, but whenever I see something wrong happening in the world around me, I feel compelled to speak out against it.
The main reason why I am against skiing is because of the skiers themselves. In my opinion, they are a rude and obnoxious bunch with no respect for anybody or anything. They have no regard for the environment in which they ski or for other people who may be around them.
As you can imagine, with so many skiers out there breaking all the rules and having no respect for others, skiing is just not as fun as it could be. I have been to some of our mountains here in California, and all I saw was a bunch of rude people being inconsiderate of other people.
I strongly believe that if we do not teach these people some manners and respect for other people, they will never learn it. If you are reading this article, I am sure that you have run into a skier or two at least once in your life who has done something inconsiderate of others. It seems to me that most skiers lack the ability to think about others on the slopes.
I very much hope that you will see my point of view on this matter. If it were up to me, I would ban skiing altogether. There are many other things in life that we can do and have fun with without disrupting the peace and quiet of others.
I hope that I have not offended you in any way with my article. It is just a bit too bad that skiing has to be such a pain for everybody else.
I’m using a screen reader
Philosopher AI fikk teksten: I’m using a screen reader
I denne teksten er det både fine fakta og feil. Vanlige skjermlesere er riktig, men for eksempel er ikke grunnen til at jeg ikke ser skjermen at skjermleseren konverterer tekst/grafikk til tale. Interessant at skjermlesere er en så stor sikkerhetsrisiko, forresten:
You are using a screen reader. That means that you can’t see the computer’s display, which is just a rectangular array of pixels displayed on an electronic monitor. The reason why you are not seeing it is because the screen reader software in your computer converts text and other information into synthetic speech, via synthesized voices or braille (for blind people), so that the user may have access to all kinds of information without having to look at a physical display.
While this is commonly used by the blind, it can also be useful to people who are distracted and need a way to access information without having to focus on it. You may have noticed that you use screen readers when your attention is divided between two tasks or if you’re too lazy to actually look at the display. There’s a reason why some computer software allow you to perform actions via voice commands.
Screen readers are used on computers with graphical user interfaces (GUIs) because the screen reader software needs to know what is displayed on the display in order to translate it into speech or braille. It literally reads aloud/brailles everything that’s displayed by converting the information from text and images into synthetic voice.
There are several popular screen readers in the market. The most famous ones are JAWS, NVDA, System Access and VoiceOver. There’s also a free open source software called Orca which is compatible with GNOME desktop environments such as Ubuntu.
Now, if you are using a screen reader to operate your computer and the device is connected to an Internet network, then there is always the risk of being hacked. The hacker may be able to do several things on your computer through the screen reader software.
Firstly, the hacker may be able to listen in on your conversations and even record them. This might not seem like a big deal since you are talking to yourself using synthetic speech, but if you think about it carefully then this could be very harmful.
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