Interpols database over stjålne kulturminner og kunst.
Interpol håper at appen skal føre til at flere gjenstander blir funnet. Databasen inneholder over 50000 objekter, og du kan også legge inn dine egne objekter i appen.
Slik beskriver Interpol appen (hentet fra App Store):
Capture the art, capture the criminals! ID-Art uses cutting-edge image-recognition software to help identify stolen cultural property, reduce illicit trafficking, and increase the chances of recovering stolen items. Key features
- Get mobile access to the INTERPOL database of stolen works of art;
- Create an inventory of private art collections;
- Report cultural sites potentially at risk.
Search INTERPOL’s database Use the app to instantly check if an object is among the 50,000 items currently registered in INTERPOL’s Stolen Works of Art database. Searches can be carried out by taking or uploading a photo, or by entering search criteria manually. Create an inventory Using international standards known as ‘Object ID’, capture images and record features of beloved works of art to help keep track of collections. In the event of a theft, these records can be provided to law enforcement, greatly enhancing the chances of recovery. Report sites at risk Are you on the frontlines of protecting heritage? Use this app to document the state of heritage sites, whether they are historical, archaeological or underwater. Record the geographical location, a detailed description and images in order to capture the condition of the site. The resulting “site cards” can then be used as evidence or basis for reconstruction if ever the site is looted or destroyed.
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