iOS-app for å konvertere lydfiler.
Det finnes selvsagt en hel del konverteringsprogrammer både for lyd og andre formater. Her er et gratis verktøy for lydfiler som støtter mange formater og som kan konvertere litt av hvert. Her er App Store beskrivelsen:
Convert Audio allows you to convert almost all known audio formats to the below mentioned formats! Convert existing audio files or video files with audio! And after the conversion you can use multiple ways of sharing them! How can we convert almost every file on your phone? Well, the converting can be accomplished by uploading your file to the cloud where it will be converted and downloaded back to your phone (and deleted from our servers). This all occurs really fast and while the converting is being done you can just continue using your phone. However, the latest release also support offline conversions so no internet connection is required. Convert to AAC, AIFF, FLAC, M4A, MMF, MP3, OGG, OPUS, WAV or WMA. For example, convert wav to mp3! Or ogg to mp3, etc! Features: – Over 500 source formats are supported – Use the ‘Open with’ option to load files – Use the image gallery to load an image or take one using the camera (or video) – Send the created file by email You can change: – Bitrate – Frequency – Channels (mono, stereo) – Normalize – Trim to a specific part of the audio – Change the speed – Reverse And more! Note, we might not be able to convert the following files: – DRM protected files (audio, video, etc) – Files bigger than 100 mb
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